Euro Divers Kani, Maldives

A trip to Maldives wouldn’t be complete without some fun dives. Since i’ve obtained and open water license, I might as well put it to good use. After all, the more dives you partake, the more experience one will gain. They say Maldives is where you get to see the big stuff. So, I went with some expectations although the only 2 dives i did was Boracay and Pulau Weh. We stayed in Club Med Kani and Euro-Divers was just a stone’s throw away.

“Euro-Divers maintain several dive centres in Maldives. From schools of rainbow coloured reef fishes, lion-fishes, barracudas, whale sharks, mantas, moray eels, lobsters in small caves to white tip sharks and grey reef sharks, everything is just there to be discovered by divers. – Euro-Divers Maldives.”

We made our way to the dive centre about 4pm on the day of arrival to Club Med Kani. Prior to my travels, I liaised directly with the dive manager and was informed to be present with our licence card and log books for review. We were scheduled for an orientation dive the next morning at 830 am and it was complimentary. This was to make sure our standards were on par and the dive instructors could select conservatively which dive sites would best suit our current experience.

Euro-Divers Maldives at Club Med Kani.

Besides diving, we really wanted to enjoy the facilities at Club Med Kani. We decided to do 3 fun dives with them. Since we brought one full set of dive equipment all the way from Singapore, we only had to rent an extra full set. The dive equipment rental was based on the number of dives. Per dive was USD $ 26.90, so 3 dives adding up to USD $80.70 just for the rental of equipments. Pricey! They really put safety as the number one priority. We even had to rent a dive computer and a surface balloon, just in case we were separated from the group or buddy.

Dive equipments prepped and lined up at the jetty.

The water temperature in Maldives was about 27 degrees. Nice and warm. They provided me a shorty wetsuit and it was my first. Note that no gloves were allowed to be worn for the dives. We did our orientation dive in the morning around the jetty – just going through the basics such as mask clearing, buoyancy, recovering the regulator etc. After lunch, we headed out for our first dive at Kani’s Corner.

First experience with the Shorty Wetsuit and Dive Computer.

I brought my GoPro along as usual and it seemed like my filter was too red this time. Perhaps it was meant for tropical and deep blue waters. I discovered later on that there is a slightly less red/orange filter for snorkelling and shallow waters. Note to future self:

  • Red filter for tropical/blue water color correction
  • Magenta filter for green water color correction
  • Snorkel filter for shallow waters (2-15 feet)

Hence, my photos didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to be this time. Perhaps another reason to go back to Maldives for diving again.

Banded Humbug.
Moray Eel out on the loose.
School of Blue Fusilier fishes.
Spotted a Surgeon fish.
Yellow Fusilier Fishes.
Abundance of fishes on the seabed.
There’s a shark underneath that rock.
Spot the Shark’s eye. Unfortunately, wrong filter and lack of lighting.

Perhaps I should invest in a snorkel filter for the next dive trip. We did two fun dives on the morning of Day 3. The dive sites, Furana Thila and Himmafushi Corner were about an hour away from Club Med Kani. We saw nurse sharks but I was not able to capture them.

Our dive instructor, Sofia.

Dive Sites

  • Kani’s Corner
  • Furana Thila
  • Himmafushi Corner

The Damage

  • 3 Fun Dives – MYR RM 1,053/ USD $242*
  • Equipment rental USD $26.90 per dive – MYR RM 350/ USD $80.70*
  • Surface balloon for the whole stay – MYR RM 30/ USD $6.70*
  • *Subject to daily conversion rates
  • Inclusive guide, boat, and tank

Diving RM 1,433/ USD $ 330


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